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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ginger's Huhu Beetle Friend

In the holidays my Mum and Dad thought Ginger came in with a mouse but it was actually a big Huhu beetle.
Dad did a little scream.Then he put it in a jar to show me. After I had a look we put it on some rotten wood because that's what they eat.


  1. (Don't tell him but) it makes me laugh a bit to think of your Dad screaming a little, tee hee! Mind you, I think I would have the same reaction!
    I remember stacking firewood when I was little, and coming across huhu grubs - big white worms. They're pretty cool, but look nothing like the beetles they grow into!

  2. Hi Karen
    Violet was dancing to Onanon. She really liked it because she was bobbing up and down and flapping her arms up and down.
