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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Greek Myth Sketches

These are my Greek Myth sketches. I got my ideas from Hamish's book 'D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths". They were hard to sketch because they were dark and small pictures.

Dark Castle

The Dark Castle was a big delicious cake. I was having a cake because it was my birthday. We went to Discovery World at Otago Museum for one of my birthday activities.

My Allen Centre Award

On the last day of school i was given the Allen centre award and two gifts. I got a book and a Dino Lite microscope. The book was called The Phantom Tollbooth. It was a good book.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My shark teeth

I am part shark. Before my first tooth came out I had one behind it.  It's happened with all of my adult teeth.

The little fish

In the holidays,up in Napier I went fishing with my Nan and Pop. I caught the only fish but it was too small to eat so we sent it back.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ginger's Huhu Beetle Friend

In the holidays my Mum and Dad thought Ginger came in with a mouse but it was actually a big Huhu beetle.
Dad did a little scream.Then he put it in a jar to show me. After I had a look we put it on some rotten wood because that's what they eat.