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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nappy Changing Homework

For homework I had to learn a new skill and teach it to somebody else.  I changed Violet's nappy for my new skill, and taught Hamish and Josie.
It was hard.
Josie took the photos.
It was really hard because Violet was trying to look at Sugarplum!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Litterless Lunchboxes

These are some good ideas from Richard Hudson Kindergarten, for looking after the environment.

At Richard Hudson Kindergarten, they have "Litterless Lunchboxes"
This means that kids bring lunches that don't have lots of packaging, or plastic wrap.

After the children eat their lunches, they sort their rubbish into different bins. Things like sandwich crusts are fed to the kindergarten's hens.
Other food scraps go into the compost bin, and are turned into lovely soil for the kindergarten vegetable garden.

Things like yoghurt pottles are washed out, and used again at the collage table.

Whatever is left is rubbish for the landfill, but there isn't much of that at all.

The children at RHK are proud of the way they take care of the earth.

These photos were taken for you by Josiah and Jaymee.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Insect Finding

Me and Hamish and our next-door neighbours Connor and Ollie have been finding bugs.  We have found nine so far.  We are finding out about them, and writing about them in our 'Creepy Crawly' book.  We measure them and write three facts about them, and sketch them.  My favourite so far is a cockroach, because it's got the best sketch.  I've said: "They all carry germs.  They have wings.  They have hairs."  We found the cockroach in a packet, because it is a TOY!